Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weird Light In The Sky

Don't know at what time this happened, it may have been around 5 p.m or 6 p.m Belizean time, but it certainly was out of the ordinary. It was a bright ball of fire, or it seemed like it, with a short tail of an orange glow. It was no jet, trust me, I've seen them all. It was moving in a straight direction, then it plummeted in a 9o degree angle and continued on its path. The picture above seems out of focus, since all I had was the camera on my phone. Yes, it sucks. I feel like those big foot enthusiasts who can only take out-of-focus pictures of the thing. But I swear to God, and cross my heart, that that thing was no jet. I don't think it was a UFO, not much into little green men, but maybe a meteor? Or a supernatural being, or something.

Tough day, hope I see something else soon.

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