Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Funny Chavez

Recently, the President of Venezuela had been getting a lot of attention. Its it because he so smart? Or he may be a competent president? Is he progressing his country? Or is he a jolly good fellow? I WISH! He is as incompetent as ever. He holds close ties with guerrilla organizations in Colombia, he is infatuated by Russia (Putin) and recently took the side of Hamas in the Israel Conflict. If reincarnation does exist, then he is the reincarnation of a cow with Mad Cow disease. I first thought that he could be a terrorist, but then I realized that he was too incompetent to be one. Seriously, on whose side is he? Communism doesn't work, but all he has is a partial dictatorship. CHAVEZ, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!!

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