Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm Back!!!!

It's been a long..... ummm, seven months, I think, but I'm finally back. It's been a real pain in the ass having to work so much, and having nothing to see at the end of it all, but that's life. Dreams aren't dreams if they seem so impossible, and reality is what you make of it. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Barack Obama - The Antichrist? Preposterous!

According to " I do not believe he is. However, he is seen around the world as a messiah, a savior with a cult-like following. He has a socialistic ideology and is a promoter of global governance: taking away national sovereignty using issues like "global warming", "global terrorism" and the "global financial crisis". Keep an eye on RFID Chip Implants, Biometrics, Censorship, and our growing "Surveillance Society". "

Okay, so he thinks Obama is the Anti-Christ, hear that? That's the sound of many coffins spinning at 1 million RPM.

Haven't we heard that before? Ronald Wilson Reagan, was it? Yes, they thought he was the anti-Christ too. How about
Order of the Solar Temple? They killed a three-month-old baby by stabbing him in the chest 20 times. *Cough* Nut Jobs *Cough*. But seriously, Obama is an inspiration to everyone in this world. He broke boundaries, and invisible lines placed by the corrupt. Why are we being so greedy and telling everyone, that hope can only be achieved by the devil's messenger and divinity? Man is capable of bringing about hope, and great hope had been brought about by a strong man, Barack Obama.

*Cough* He Rocks *Cough*. Well he does! Suck on that, racists!

Chavez... Again!

In November of last year, he proposed another constitutional amendment removing term limits, so that he could remain in office until as late as 2021. This is, for lack of a better word, an insult to the word - Democracy. Is there no one in this whole world who can stop this man?

Sorry, didn't have much to say. I just wanted to point his little line of information to the people.

Creepy, isn't it? More like Deija Vu.

Stem Cells - The True Miracle Medicine

According to Wikipedia, " Stem cells are cells found in most, if not all, multi-cellular organisms. They are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiating into a diverse range of specialized cell types. In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing specialized cells, but also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin or intestinal tissues."

I do believe in the power of Stem Cells. The door is open for mankind to explore this vast universe of cell regeneration. There are those who go against it, be it due to religious views or humanitarian views, but in the end, the evidence is there. These tiny little blank slates are the key to saving lives and curing mankind from diseases; after all, what do we have to lose?

The FDA approved trial testing, these stem cells, by the biotechnology company Geron.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you, the future...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dumb Neighbours, Even Dumber Kids

I usually blog about stuff that make me angry, and the stupidity of people. I'm not perfect, heck, I'm as imperfect as it gets, but, I aim into making the public aware of all that is happening.

Recently, a friend of mines, well not really a friend, he was someone I knew from school. He was killed, in this own backyard. Neighbors say that they heard screams, but none of them came out to see, nor did they have the guts to call the police. After a while, someone mustered up some courage, if he had any left, and called the police, who never came. Yes, the police never came. I don't know what is more pathetic, people not calling the police due to their coward actions, or our protectors not coming to help us. Seriously, what are they any good for? In the US they catch criminals, here they catch drugs, and later sell them for cash. Our police officers are so damn pathetic.

On another note, a kid who had just started secondary school was stabbed, at school, and by a classmate.

Where are we headed? This world is so damned. He he he.

I'm having second thoughts about this blog. I think I might have to switch to commenting about Anime, Music and trends... It eases my mind.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Next Door Quest

I'm finally back from my 5 day journey through the bowels of Guatemala. It was a very tiring journey filled with exhaustion, despair and really good food. The goal was to get accepted at the CUNORI, which is the branch of the San Carlos University in Chiquimula, and to get a student visa from the Immigration Office in Guatemala City.

Day 1: We left for Chiquimula at 6 in the 'MariaElena' bus that morning, and reached at about 7:30 in the afternoon. The transportation means was by bus. It was a horrible journey entailed with bumpy roads, shady characters, and many stops along the way. I was bored beyond belief, the only thing that kept me sane was the fact the view, from the window, was beautiful and that the people always seem to be so kind. I hardly ate during the day, but once we reached, ohhhh, I head a feast.

Day 2: We stayed at the hotel Gran Dorado. The food was nice, the cost was very cheap, and the place was comfy. We headed to the CUNORI that morning, it was warm. Chiquimula is always warm, and it tends to get hotter. We arranged everything that day, including payments and whatsnot. We had plenty of time to explore. It was fun, and the people are especially warm and friendly here, not like in my beloved little country where the only people who are treated kindly are the 'gringos'.

Day 3: We left for Guatemala City in the 'Guerras' bus at around 4 in the morning and reached there at 7 that same morning. It was cold! I was freezing. But, we were able to go to the Belizean Embassy to fix a few issues, and then we went shopping. I know, a guy who loves to shop? I was dragged along. But, I did get a few Pc games, Namely: Call Of Duty 5, Red Alert 3, Tiberium Wars and Fallout 3. I ate some nice food, and once satisfied I tuned into my favorite channel, Animax.

Day 4: We went to the Immigration Office, but in order to get a Student Visa, I needed to leave my Passport for 10 day. Yes, 10 FRIGGIN' DAYS! There was no way I'd do that, so one thing led to another and I was planning my return.

Day 5: We said goodbye to a few friends and departed for home at 10 in the night. It was a long journey, but this bus line was really comfy. I must say, I will enjoy living in Chiquimula. It's very hot, and almost no crime. Yes, my place indeed.

Friday, January 9, 2009

YouShouldKnow: DragonForce

Okay, now introducing: DRAGONFORCE. Here are a few facts about DragonForce:

1: Formed in 1999 in London.
2: Are known for fast guitar solos, fantasy-based lyrics, and electronic sounds in their music to add to their retro video game influenced sound.
3: Initially the band intended to call themselves "DragonHeart", but they didn't want to be confused with the Brazilian metal band Dragonheart.
4: Was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance on December 3, 2008.

They are the fastest power metal band I have ever heard, no, let me correct that, the fastest power metal band in the world. But, don't worry, their lyrics are slightly-fast and melodious. No high pitched screaming or growling, just good old power metal at its finest. It's an excellent for those who love metal but are not too fond of all the screaming and growling. I recommend the album: Sonic Firestorm, for beginners.

Their website:

Call The Electrician... Please?

We live in a modern era, where things should be a little easier, or at least a bit more convenient. I was waiting for a few papers from the Guatemalan Consulate in Benque when all of a sudden the light goes out. Ohhhh, I was mad as hell, for it always goes at the worst time and without a head's up. They are lucky that the people in the Consulate were so polite and nice, that I soon forgot what I was angry about.

Check yourself next time, BEL. You might have a monopoly in my country but that doesn't mean that we don't want to take you out.

Just for the record, that was not a threat. It was reality.

Savage Eyes

I know most of us have already been to a Government office or the such. Public Servants, Police Officers, Government officials and everyone else who has to deal with everyday people should show a little more kindness towards their customers/clients. I recently went to the police office (Not In Trouble) to get a police report for a student's visa. The secretaries all glared at me. Don't you think that they should be a bit more polite? Well, anyways, I got misinformed and brought two photographs instead of the three required. On of the ladies, who are supposed to be there to serve us, was really pissed. She wanted me to go back home, which was a 2 hour drive, and to get the third one, and she also added that I had half an hour left to give in the photograph for she had 10:00 break. WTF! The same thing when we go to the hospital. The nurses just a glare at you, as if you shouldn't be disturbing them. They got those jobs to help us. If they can't deal with it, then they should get the hell out! It's not my fault I need a police report to get a student's visa, nor is it my fault that I got sick.

This seriously pisses me off. If they are so incompitent, and want to make easy money, why don't they become drug dealers or politicians?

P.S. ----> Guatemalan offices have much more polite people. Shame on Belize, shame on my little country.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Funny Chavez

Recently, the President of Venezuela had been getting a lot of attention. Its it because he so smart? Or he may be a competent president? Is he progressing his country? Or is he a jolly good fellow? I WISH! He is as incompetent as ever. He holds close ties with guerrilla organizations in Colombia, he is infatuated by Russia (Putin) and recently took the side of Hamas in the Israel Conflict. If reincarnation does exist, then he is the reincarnation of a cow with Mad Cow disease. I first thought that he could be a terrorist, but then I realized that he was too incompetent to be one. Seriously, on whose side is he? Communism doesn't work, but all he has is a partial dictatorship. CHAVEZ, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!!

The Animal World's Yes Man

I was talking to my little brother about animals, when I suddenly realized that those tiny little garden lizards always seem to make these peculiar movements with their heads. It's as if they are nodding in approval with you. Thus, I came to the conclusion that these animals survived millions of years, and evolved this defense mechanism in order to always be on the side of everyone. After all, don't we do that all the time? We kiss up to authority, and in that way, we are protected from being stepped on by the bigger predators.

I think if I chat with a Lizard, I know I'm always right. He he he... :)

YouShouldKnow: Kamelot

Okay, every now and then I will be introducing a new band, for all of those who visit this blog, to know. I first heard about Kamelot around 4 years or so. Here are some facts about the band:

1: They are a Progressive Metal Band but have recently added Symphonic elements to their songs.
2: They are from Tampa, Florida.
3: The band was formed by Thomas Youngblood and Richard Warner in 1991.
4: They have 8 albums in total.

They are an excellent example of Metal bands trying to give you more bang for your buck. It's easy to see why they are such a good band. Their lead singer, Roy Kahn, uses melodic lyrics in conjunction with fast hitting guitars. They usually have a female vocalist, which makes the songs sound all the more soothing.

Here is their website:

If you want to get starting with this band, I suggest the album: Epica and then continue on with The Black Halo. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hot Seat Politics

By know, i think you may already know that being a politician is like being a drug dealer; It's easy money, it's a dirty job, no moral values required and it's very addicting. I'll start by giving my idea of what a politician should be. A politician should be a man who understands his people and tries to make life better for those who voted for him and those who are suffering. He should be a defender of justice, with the law at his side and the power of this country in the other. He should be selfless and humble. Is there a politician like this anymore? Besides the 1% out there in the world that is like what I explained above, reality is harsher than what it is written in a dictionary or in our minds.

Now, let me explain the sad reality of my country. Belize is a beautiful country, filled with friendly people and wonderful scenery. Deep within our social system there are three castes (I Call Them That) that rule our country with an iron fist. They are: The Politicians, The Religious Factions/Churches, and The Police Force. Today, I will explain all that which I have observed with out Political System.

Firstly: A strong influence on all that which is not supposed to be influence by Politics. The finest example is our Educational System. Yes, you heard right, our schools and highschools are so heavily influenced by it that teachers of the same political party are preferred to those of a different party. Skill is not required, all you need is to be 'in love' with that political party and presto! You are a teacher. It is a sad fact, even though our educational system is way higher to the one in the USA. When the political party ruling the school is defeated, they are all fired, save for the few who changed affiliations at the last minute, and a new crop is added. Then the cycle continues on and on. And it has been going on and on for so long. An example of this is Mopan Technical Highschool. Trust me, that is one good Highschool, and it had the great potential of surpassing its closest rival, Sacred Heart College, but it is currently in the influence of the UDP, which is the winning political party. The few teachers there that are not UDP are tormented and cast aside, even though they have so much experience. Another school under the influence of politics is Mount Carmel Primary School. Teachers of the same political affiliation are not touched even if they make the worst of mistakes, but if someone from the PUP or else, does a slight mistake, they are fired or sent somewhere in the country. It is a sad fate for the students who have to keep up with this crap all over the country.

Secondly: False promises. Yes, this is the same everywhere you go in the world. Politicians promise you the world, and in the end, you get a tiny islet. It is so true. I've heard their empty promises first hand, and even felt their lies. My beloved little town of Benque Viejo Del Carmen had suffered through that every year, every elections, every change of power. They promise aid, and we get their bills. And example can be the empty promise of the Minister Of Education. He promised, while visiting Mount Carmel Primary School, scholarships for all those who passed with high grades. Swimming upon that fantasy, we rushed to profit from that priviledge, only to be set aside by these words, "I did not promise anything for that. I only said that I would give a small aid." My only regrett is that i didn't have a camera or a recorder on the day he promised.

Thirdly and Finally: A strong politically influenced following. It's politics, what else can someone else expect? People who fight for those who suck us dry, to the point that they cause serious harm. It is very, very common here. Sad fate for such a beautiful country.

Unlucky Bastard

Yes, I call myself an unlucky bastard. Why, you ask? Well, in every situation, there is something that can go wrong. Normally, it doesn't happen, that is, till I'm around. If there is a 6% chance at something bad happening, it happens to me. Get new clothes, yes, they are either too short or too long, and my younger brother and father enjoy my lack of luck. It sucks being unlucky... I hope that maybe all my lack of luck will eventually give way to atleast 1 event of luck, and I am seriously hoping that it would be at that crucial moment in my life.

(Sigh) I am so damn unlucky...

Good Morning!

It's another beautiful morning. The sun is, almost, out and the clouds are, looming, hovering over us. This blog has survived the ravaging winds of my mind, yes, the winds of rejection and now it is, officially, 24 hours old. Now, anyone seen the news? Israeli assault, American Presidency, Local Elections, and the never ending tribulation called the Economic Crisis.

Feels like we've reached the limit of our Golden Age.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weird Light In The Sky

Don't know at what time this happened, it may have been around 5 p.m or 6 p.m Belizean time, but it certainly was out of the ordinary. It was a bright ball of fire, or it seemed like it, with a short tail of an orange glow. It was no jet, trust me, I've seen them all. It was moving in a straight direction, then it plummeted in a 9o degree angle and continued on its path. The picture above seems out of focus, since all I had was the camera on my phone. Yes, it sucks. I feel like those big foot enthusiasts who can only take out-of-focus pictures of the thing. But I swear to God, and cross my heart, that that thing was no jet. I don't think it was a UFO, not much into little green men, but maybe a meteor? Or a supernatural being, or something.

Tough day, hope I see something else soon.

Sweet Dreams

A day has gone by. The sky is dark, glimmering in millions upon millions of stars. Okay, it isn't exactly 24 hours, but it is night, and night is the end of a day. I'm tired, no, scratch that, I'm bored. My first day at blogging and I'm bored. Well, not at blogging, but at all the traveling i had to do today. I'll sign off today, earlier than usual.

Sweet Dreams... Whoever sees this blog. Oh, and by the way, that is the Belizean road, at night, and with a bad camera, in a moving vehicle. Talk about disasters coming in threes.

The Maiden Voyage Of A Blog

Today, at approximately 9:54:35 A.M (Central American Time) this blog embarked on its maiden voyage. Yes! We've got stormy seas to traverse, beautiful beaches to play on, pirates to evade (You know who you are) and monsters to destroy (We know who they are). I'd like to talk more about myself, but I guess my writings will show that.

Comments anyone? No? He he he, it's good to be the king.